NPC 2009 - The 6th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2009)
Topics/Call fo Papers
The 6th IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing (NPC 2009) -
Submission deadline extended to: May 24, 2009
The goal of IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel
Computing (NPC 2009) is to establish an international forum for
researchers and practitioners to present their excellent ideas and
experiences in all system fields of network and parallel computing.
Accepted papers will be published in a conference proceedings.
Selected best papers will be published in The Journal of Supercomputing
(Springer, SCI and EI indexed).
Paper Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in
English, must not exceed 8 pages, including tables, figures, references
and appendixes, in IEEE CS proceedings 8.5" x 11" Two-Column Format
(, with
Portable Document Format (.pdf). Papers will be selected based on their
originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of
presentation. Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment
that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will
register and attend the conference to present the work. To submit your
paper, follow the link "Submission" in NPC 2009 website.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline May 24, 2009
Author Notification June 25, 2009
Camera-ready version Due July 15, 2009
Conference October 19-21, 2009
Topics of interest include the following tracks, but are not limited to:
Track I: Network applications
1. Peer-to-peer computing
2. Cluster and Grid computing
3. Wireless computing
4. Ubiquitous computing
5. Internet Computing
6. Optical networks
7. Multimedia services and applications
Track II: Network technologies
1. Communication technology
2. Web technology
3. Network storage
4. Network reliability, security, and dependability
5. Network algorithms
6. Scheduling and load balancing
Track III: Network and parallel architectures
1. Shared and distributed memory
2. Nontraditional processor technologies
3. Network and interconnect architecture
4. Parallel I/O and storage systems
5. System design issues for low power and energy efficiency
6. Performance modeling and evaluation
7. Multicore design issues
8. OS support in hardware
Track IV: Parallel and distributed software
1. Parallel programming models, languages and compilers
2. Runtime systems
3. Operating systems
4. Resource management
5. Middleware
6. Data mining
7. Programming environments and tools
Submission deadline extended to: May 24, 2009
The goal of IFIP International Conference on Network and Parallel
Computing (NPC 2009) is to establish an international forum for
researchers and practitioners to present their excellent ideas and
experiences in all system fields of network and parallel computing.
Accepted papers will be published in a conference proceedings.
Selected best papers will be published in The Journal of Supercomputing
(Springer, SCI and EI indexed).
Paper Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have
been published or that are simultaneously submitted to a journal or a
conference with proceedings. Papers must be clearly presented in
English, must not exceed 8 pages, including tables, figures, references
and appendixes, in IEEE CS proceedings 8.5" x 11" Two-Column Format
(, with
Portable Document Format (.pdf). Papers will be selected based on their
originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of
presentation. Submission of a paper should be regarded as a commitment
that, should the paper be accepted, at least one of the authors will
register and attend the conference to present the work. To submit your
paper, follow the link "Submission" in NPC 2009 website.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline May 24, 2009
Author Notification June 25, 2009
Camera-ready version Due July 15, 2009
Conference October 19-21, 2009
Topics of interest include the following tracks, but are not limited to:
Track I: Network applications
1. Peer-to-peer computing
2. Cluster and Grid computing
3. Wireless computing
4. Ubiquitous computing
5. Internet Computing
6. Optical networks
7. Multimedia services and applications
Track II: Network technologies
1. Communication technology
2. Web technology
3. Network storage
4. Network reliability, security, and dependability
5. Network algorithms
6. Scheduling and load balancing
Track III: Network and parallel architectures
1. Shared and distributed memory
2. Nontraditional processor technologies
3. Network and interconnect architecture
4. Parallel I/O and storage systems
5. System design issues for low power and energy efficiency
6. Performance modeling and evaluation
7. Multicore design issues
8. OS support in hardware
Track IV: Parallel and distributed software
1. Parallel programming models, languages and compilers
2. Runtime systems
3. Operating systems
4. Resource management
5. Middleware
6. Data mining
7. Programming environments and tools
Other CFPs
- Workshop on the Emergence of Delay-/Disruption-Tolerant Networks (E-DTN)
- the 2nd. IFIP Wireless Days 2009
- IWSOS 2009 - 4th International Workshop on Self-Organizing Systems
- 22nd International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference MNC 2009
- ICUMT Workshop on Wireless Network Security and Privacy WiNetSec2009
Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22