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C&ESAR 2009 - Wireless applications security C&ESAR 2009



VenueRennes, France France



Topics/Call fo Papers

C&ESAR 2009

Rennes, France

Wireless applications security

Key Dates

Submission deadline: June 21, 2009
Notification to authors: September 7, 2009
Camera ready version October 11, 2009
Conference : November 24-25-26, 2009

About C&ESAR 2009

The Ministry of Defense has been organizing infosec thematic
workshops every year since 1997. These conferences
bring together information system security specialists coming
from the governmental, industrial and academic world.
The goal of C&ESAR meeting is scientific, but also didactic.
It aims at presenting a survey of a specific issue of information
system security. The audience pictures the whole ISS
community, including fundamental researchers as well as
practicing specialists and managers. The subject will be
presented from a theoretical as from a practical point of
view, while keeping a pedagogic angle in order to facilitate
understanding. Indeed, this peculiar point of view will allow
practicing specialists to get aware of theoretical and technical
breakthroughs able to help them to solve their difficulties.
But on the other hand, researchers and developers will have
the opportunity to become acquainted with some potentially
interesting real-life problems.

Wireless (or reckless??) security

This year's topic is the potential impact of wireless technologies
on Infosec. This will cover all communication technologies
from classical far field (wifi, wimax, blue tooth?) to NFC
(RFID, contactless?). The borderline between these
NFC devices and classical wireless networks seems to be
fading now, with the emerging " Internet of objects " new world.
The consequences are still to be assessed, and the traditional
opposition between security and functionality will find
a new battlefield as this seamless new world may become
even more vulnerable.
So the talks will deal with the security problems arising
from a more and more widespread use of these so-called
wireless technologies, and with their solutions.

Submission Process

First stage: June 21st 2009, 5 to 15 pages communication
proposal will be sent to the program committee through the
C&ESAR web site. The recommended format is pdf.
Accompanying information must include: title, category (tutorial,
general, expert), author's identification and affiliation, contact
(email) with the main author, 15 lines abstract and relevant
key-words. On September the 7th 2009, authors will be
notified of acceptation or rejection.
Second stage: Authors will provide committee through the
C&ESAR web site, before October the 11th 2009, their final
version (8 to 20 pages) including eventual corrections issued
from the reviewing process.
NB: This deadline is tied to the printing of the proceed-
ings, and therefore cannot be changed. Articles will preferably
be typeset using LaTeX. Word files will nevertheless also
be accepted. Note that, in both cases, the LNCS format must
be used:
Language for the communications is either French or
English. The main selection criteria will be pedagogy and
readability, as well as suitability for the conference topic.
Technical communications can be accepted, with special
attention to the quality of the survey part.
Accepted communications will be published in the

Steering Committee

Pascal Chour (PM, SGDN/DCSSI)
Yves Correc (MoD, DGA/CELAR), president
Olivier Heen (INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique)
Ludovic M? (Supelec)
Eric Wiatrowski (Orange Business Services)

Program Committee

Daniel Augot (INRIA Saclay)
C?dric Blancher (EADS)
Abdelmadjid Boubdallah (UTC Compi?gne)
Claude Castellucia (INRIA Rh?ne Alpes)
Yves Correc (MoD, DGA/CELAR)
Fr?d?ric Cuppens (Telecom Bretagne)
Yves Deswarte (LAAS - CNRS)
Caroline Fontaine (CNRS/IRISA)
Herv? Guyennet (LIFC)
Olivier Heen (INRIA Rennes Bretagne Atlantique)
Jean Leneutre (Telecom ParisTech)
Pascale Minet (INRIA Rocquencourt)
Nicolas Prigent (Thomson Research)
Patrick Radja (EADS)
Pierre Michel Ricordel (PM, SGDN/DCSSI)
Ahmed Serhrouchni (Telecom ParisTech)
David Simplot-Ryl (INRIA - LIFL), president
Franck Veysset (Orange Labs)

Last modified: 2010-06-04 19:32:22