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2020 - How Can Leaders and HR Professionals Manage the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Workplace -- Impact on Employees’ Employment, Finances, and Emotional Wellbeing



VenueOnline event, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsCovid-19 employer guidance; Covid-19 hr guidance; Workplace decisions


Topics/Call fo Papers

What Federal and State requirements should be followed and how can Employers communicate the mandates to their employees?
Learn how we can use the Federal & State Regulatory Agencies updates like CDC, OSHA. DOJ, and other resources with accurate information as part of your Pandemic Mitigation Plan?
Create a policy that addresses most of the workplace concerns raised which should include FAQ examples, contact person, referrals to Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), Health Tele-lines, Nurses lines and other resources to address anxiety, financial concerns, employment gaps and other relevant concerns.
How to make decisions on how your company will function during the pandemic?
What are the budgetary concerns on the different options that are selected?
How can you make the financial decisions that save the company and keep the employees?
What are the Multi-State resources that can be accessed to help Employers and employees?
Learn how you communicate will determine how well you manage during a crisis.
Utilize technology to manage communications, connect with remote workers and keep employees connected.
Learn to use the State Unemployment Insurance as a resource to your employees and even independent contractors.

Last modified: 2020-06-24 22:50:53