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ICACM 2020 - 3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials (ICACM 2020)

Date2020-08-26 - 2020-08-28


VenueTokyo, Japan Japan

KeywordsAdvanced Composite Materials; Ei Compendex; Scopus


Topics/Call fo Papers

2020 The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials (ICACM 2020)--Ei Compendex, Scopus
Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan during August 26-28, 2020.
Dear Scholars and Researchers,
Warmest Greetings from ICACM 2020!
This is the 3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials(ICACM 2020)conference committee. We are very pleased to tell you that ICACM 2020 will be held at Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan during August 26-28, 2020.
The conference is co-sponsored by Hosei university, Japan; Swinburne Unversity of Technology, Australia and Beihang University, China. At the same time, Prof, Hideaki Tsukamoto and Prof. Alan Lau join the conference committee as conference chairs.
Conference Venue
Hosei University, Tokyo
Conference Committee
Conference Chair
Prof. Alan Lau, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
Prof. Hideaki Tsukamoto, Hosei University, Japan
Program Committee Chair
Prof. Lihui Lang, Beihang University, China
Prof. Young Hoon Rim, Semyung University, Korea
Prof. Yong Suk Yang, Pusan National University, Korea
Previous ICACM
ICACM 2018 was successfully held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia during August 14-16, 2018.
ICACM 2019 was successfully held in Beijing, China during August 14-16, 2019.
All submissions will be peer reviewed, the registered and presented papers will be published into Materials Science Forum (ISSN print 0255-5476 / ISSN web 1662-9752). Indexed by Elsevier: . SCOPUS, Ei Compendex (CPX).
ICACM 2020 is now accepting manuscript submissions.
Full Paper Submission Deadline:August 25th, 2020
Please submit your full paper to us:
Conference Schedule
August 26th, 2020: Participants Registration and Conference kits Collection
August 27th, 2020: Opening Remarks & Keynote Speeches, Oral & Poster Sessions
August 28th, 2020: Social Activity / Tour of Hosei University (option)
Contact us
Ms. Ashley Liu
Tel: +86-13980894300
(9:30 AM-12:00AM, 13:30 PM-18:00PM, Monday-Friday)

Last modified: 2020-07-03 11:41:55