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2020 - The Ultimate Keystone Habit for Success: Impactful One-to-One Communication



VenueTraining Doyens 26468 E Walker Dr, Aurora, Colorado 80016, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsKeystone habits in workplace; Organizational culture; Communication skills


Topics/Call fo Papers

Imagine having the confidence, coordination and communication of an elite SEAL team. That is our objective. Elite teams don’t just happen, it takes time, repetition and expert execution. There is nothing more valuable to building another person than sincere, caring, thoughtful and accountable one-on-one time. It is a form of coaching.
You will learn the keystone habit that will transform every person you directly work with. In time it will permeate your entire organization. The result will be improved communication and organizational culture. Clarity of purpose will be defined by each member of your team. Dynamic results will develop that will translate to an improved bottom line.
The necessary skill you need to use this habit is available to you in this webinar. You will gradually enhance your ability and impact by practice. The core of effectiveness is quality communication skills. We will break down each element to bite size pieces so you are ready to run with the ability at a fast pace.
This habit is already used by successful companies to differentiate themselves from their competition. You too will become unique in your industry, peer group and have the ability to obliterate any and all competition. The power is in unlocking the potential of your people. You cannot do it alone.
• Deliberate and planned appointment setting, one-on-one
• Having an agenda that matters
• Exhibiting and practicing TRUER communication
• The art of asking questions
• Reading between the lines and hearing what’s not being said
• Record keeping, responsibility, accountability and initiative feedback, 360s and performance metrics, charts & graphs
• Organizational culture, values and the big picture
• Measuring results and training the trainer
• Let’s look at how to form a habit. Why bother?
Most of our daily activities are a form of habit, we do the same thing over and over. Think of how you brush your teeth. It’s habit, right?
There is one habit you can develop that will change your life, improve your company and get you dynamic results in virtually every area of your life. That habit is what this webinar is all about: The Power of One to One Time
• CEO, CFO, COO, etc.
• Vice Presidents
• Managers
• Those being groomed for promotion.
David Rohlander's passion is helping executives create a masterpiece personally and professionally. That's why he wrote, "The CEO Code," a Best Seller on AMAZON. That success resulted in Penguin/Alpha Books asking David to write "IDIOT'S GUIDES: Management Skills" released in December 2014.
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Last modified: 2020-02-04 19:18:06