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ASPLOS 2012 - Seventeenth International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS 2012)



VenueLondon, UK - United Kingdom UK - United Kingdom



Topics/Call fo Papers


17th International Conference on Architectural Support

for Programming Languages and Operating Systems

London, UK, March 3-7, 2012

Important Dates

Abstract Deadline: Monday, July 18, 2011 (noon, EDT)
Full Paper Deadline: Monday, July 25, 2011 (noon, EDT)
Rebuttal Period: Tuesday-Thursday, October 4-6, 2011
Notification of Acceptance: Friday, October 28, 2011

Please note that (1) abstract submission is required, and (2) the full
paper deadline is final; there will be no extensions.

Call for Papers

ASPLOS is the premier forum for multidisciplinary systems research,
spanning hardware, computer architecture, compilers, languages,
operating systems, networking, and applications. Such work is
increasingly important, as computing faces the end of single-processor
performance scaling, the divergent trends of mobile and petascale
computing, the need for energy efficiency across the computing
spectrum, and the growing diversity of users and applications.

Like its predecessors, ASPLOS 2012 invites submissions on
ground-breaking research at the intersection of architecture,
programming languages, and/or operating systems. A hardware or
architecture component is not a necessary requirement for publication
in ASPLOS, but papers that emphasize only one of the three main focus
areas are not encouraged. In addition to the main program, there will
be a variety of tutorials and workshops in areas of current interest.
Papers on non-traditional topics are especially encouraged.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Interactions among architecture, programming languages, and

operating systems

* Effective use of multicore systems

* Emerging platforms, from sensor networks to petascale systems

* Internet services, networking, and distributed/cloud computing

* Heterogeneous architectures; graphics and media processing

* Power, energy, and thermal management

* Embedded systems

* Memory and storage technologies and architectures

* Case studies of architecture or software design in novel settings

* Security, reliability and availability

* Novel systems to address social, educational, and environmental


* Non-traditional computing models, including molecular, biological,

and quantum computing

General Chair:

Tim Harris (Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK)

Program Chair:

Michael L. Scott (University of Rochester)

Program Committee:

Chris Batten (Cornell University)

Rastislav Bodik (University of California, Berkeley)

Angela Demke Brown (University of Toronto)

Evelyn Duesterwald (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center)

Dawson Engler (Stanford University)

Alexandra Fedorova (Simon Fraser University)

Antonio Gonzalez (Intel and UPC)

Dan Grossman (University of Washington, Seattle)

Rebecca Isaacs (Microsoft Research, Silicon Valley)

Idit Keidar (Technion ? Israel Inst. of Technology)

Hyesoon Kim (Georgia Tech)

James Larus (Microsoft Research, Redmond)

Jan-Willem Maessen (Google, Inc.)

Evangelos Markatos (University of Crete)

Margaret Martonosi (Princeton University)

Kathryn S. McKinley (University of Texas at Austin)

Pablo Montesinos (Qualcomm, Inc.)

Onur Mutlu (Carnegie Mellon University)

Kunle Olukotun (Stanford University)

Xipeng Shen (College of William & Mary)

Tatiana Shpeisman (Intel Labs, Santa Clara)

Daniel Sorin (Duke University)

Per Stenstrom (Chalmers University of Technology)

Steven Swanson (University of California, San Diego)

Christoph von Praun (Georg Simon Ohm University, Nuremberg)

Last modified: 2011-04-14 20:29:01