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ISRTAM 2012 - IADIS International Workshop on Information Systems Research Trends, Approaches and Methodologies (ISRTAM)



VenueLisbon, Portugal Portugal



Topics/Call fo Papers

Call for Papers
This IADIS research workshop aims at discussing the trends, approaches and methodologies currently being used in the field of Information Systems. Since this is a field that covers a wide variety of aspects from design of IS artefacts to the study of their use, exploitation and exploration in complex social environments, it is natural that research in this field is highly heterogeneous. The workshop aims at discussing this variety, criticise these different approaches, defend specific methodologies, identify complementarities and generally engage in a discussion that can take our field forward.
Therefore, this workshop aims a eliciting both theoretical position papers and applied research contributions. The Workshop will also organise panel discussions aiming at generating discussion among delegates. A set of main topics have been identified below, however, any innovative contributions that don’t fit into these areas will
also be considered provided they are in the general area of the workshop.
Acceptance will be based primarily on originality, significance and quality of contribution, but theoretical and critical position papers are particularly welcome.
The best contributions in this workshop will be included in an edited book as extended chapters.
Topics for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

General Discussion on IS Research

? The Nature of IS Research
? Facets of IS Research
? Technology vs. Social Science foci
? Organisational Strategy and Management Issues
? Innovation and Creativity vs. Pragmatic Human Activity Needs
? Distance or complimentarity with adjacent fields (e.g Computer Science, Management and Organisational Studies, Social Sciences).
? Philosophies and Epistemologies for IS Research
? Conceptual Representations of Knowledge in IS

Positivist and Deductive Approaches

? Scientific Method
? Survey Approach
- Descriptive Statistics
- Regression´
- Multivariate Statistics
? Delphi Method
? Experimental Design
? Theories of Reasoned Action
- Hypothesis Testing

Interpretivist and Social Constructivist Approaches
? Case Study Approach
? Biography
? Ethnography
? Grounded Theory
? Phenomenology
? Semiotics

Design Research

? Experiential Learning
? Prototyping in research processes
? Simulations and Modelling
? Creativity and Design Activities

Other Research Approaches

? Critical Social Theory
? Action Research
? Hermeneutics
? Mixed Methods Approaches
- Qual-quan
- Quan-qual
- Abductive Approaches

The Workshop will be composed of several types of contributions:

? Full Position Papers ? These include fully argued position on specific research methods or approaches and have 8 pages at the maximum (5,000 words).
? Full Reflection Papers ? These review recent research literature pertaining to a particular research methodology, research problem or approach, and their findings suggest, and/or provide a criticism and suggestions - with rationale and justification - for different approaches or perspective on IS Research.
Reflection papers might also analyze general trends or discuss important issues in topics related to the workshop. These have 8 pages at maximum (5.000 words).
? Full Applied Research Papers ? These include mainly accomplished research results and have 8 pages at the maximum (5,000 words).
? Short Applied Research Papers ? These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).
This is a blind peer-reviewed workshop.

Last modified: 2011-10-27 09:50:32