SNC 2011 - SNC 2011 Symbolic-Numeric Computation
VenueSan Jose, USA - United States
Topics/Call fo Papers
SNC 2011 invites the submission of original research contributions to be considered for publication and presentation at the conference. Papers should not duplicate work published or submitted for consideration elsewhere prior or in parallel to the SNC submission.
Papers must be in English and shall be reviewed by the Program Committee and external referees. Submissions should be in the form of abstracts (2 pages) or full papers (up to 10 pages) in the ACM sig-alternate.cls style (see Submission is exclusively via EasyChair. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference to present the paper.
Conference e-proceedings will be published by ACM and also be in the ACM Digital Library.
In keeping with tradition of previous SNC conferences, a special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) is planned for after the conference. SNC 2011 speakers will be able to submit full papers to the special issue. The specifics of submission to the special issue, the names of the Guest Editors, as well as the relevant deadlines will be announced at the
Papers must be in English and shall be reviewed by the Program Committee and external referees. Submissions should be in the form of abstracts (2 pages) or full papers (up to 10 pages) in the ACM sig-alternate.cls style (see Submission is exclusively via EasyChair. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference to present the paper.
Conference e-proceedings will be published by ACM and also be in the ACM Digital Library.
In keeping with tradition of previous SNC conferences, a special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer Science (TCS) is planned for after the conference. SNC 2011 speakers will be able to submit full papers to the special issue. The specifics of submission to the special issue, the names of the Guest Editors, as well as the relevant deadlines will be announced at the
Other CFPs
- SVCA: 1st Workshop on System Validation and Computer Architecture
- AMAS-BT: 4th Workshop on Architectural and Microarchitectural Support for Binary Translation
- 2nd JILP Workshop on Computer Architecture Competitions: Championship Branch Prediction
- CARD-3: 3rd Workshop on Computer Architecture Research Directions
- FASPP: Future Architectural Support for Parallel Programming
Last modified: 2011-04-13 14:46:19