ICDSA 2019 - International Conference on Computer, Data Science and Applications
Date2019-07-17 - 2019-07-19
VenueGhana Technology University College, Accra Ghana, Ghana
KeywordsComputing; Computational Modelling; Applications
- 11thInternational Conference on Data Mining and Applications (DMA 2025)
- 6th International Conference on Big Data (CBDA 2025)
- Big Data, Data Science & Machine Learning
- 10th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, Data Mining and Computational Intelligence 2025
- 11th International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Applications (CSITA 2025)
Topics/Call fo Papers
Call for Papers for July 2019: 2019 ICDSA International Conference on Computer, Data Science and Applications
The International Conference on Computer, Data Science and Applications is a blind review and an annually organized conference in the areas of Computer science, e-business, information technology, information systems, software engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, Telecommunications, business information systems, computational modeling, expert systems, E-learning, E-Business, E-Learning and Instructional Technologies, Signal Processing and Networks ,E-Agriculture, New Communication, Computational Mathematical Modelling, Financial Technologies, Software Systems and Architecture Health Informatics, Computational Biomedical Engineering, Computational Healthcare and Medicine, Computing Security Data Analytics for IoT Cognitive IoT Identity management in IoT Security and Privacy of IoT Social and Human Aspects in IoT Cloud Computing and IoT Body sensor networks Intelligent Transportation Systems Smart Grids Smart Homes and mart Cities Smart Agriculture Industrial IoT Applications Consumer IoT Applications, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data applications etc. Best presentations at the conference will be selected and awarded.
Proceedings of full papers of the 2019 ICDSA Conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’ Publons etc.
There will be presentations, workshops, seminars, etc. It is an opportunity for academics, industry professionals, government civil and security sector employees, practitioners and consultants from around the world who are involved in the study, work, management, development and implementation of systems related to the computing fields and its applications to share, network and exchange knowledge. Including the following topics but not limited to
Data Governance
Data asset
Data governance
Data steward
Data Ethics
Data Architecture
Data architecture
Data flows
Data modeling and Design
Database & Storage Management
Data maintenance
Database administration
Database management system
Business continuity planning
Data Security
Data access
Data erasure
Data privacy
Data security
Reference and Master Data
Data integration
Master data management
Reference data
Data Integration and Inter-operability
Data movement (Extract, transform, load )
Data Interoperability
Documents and Content
Document management system
Records management
Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
Business intelligence
Data analysis and Data mining
Data warehouse and Data mart
Metadata management
Metadata discovery
Metadata publishing
Metadata registry
Data Quality
Data cleansing
Data integrity
Data enrichment
Data quality
Data quality assurance
including the following topics but not limited to
Operations management
Supply chain management
Management of technology
New product development and product engineering
Systems engineering
Big Data Management
including the following topics but not limited to
Manufacturing Engineering
Engineering management
Process engineering
Systems engineering
Software engineering
Safety engineering
Data scien
Machine learning
Analytics and data mining
Cost engineering
Value engineering
Predetermined motion time system
Quality engineering
Project management
Supply chain management
Operations management
Job design
Financial engineering
Facility management
Engineering design process
Capital projects
including the following topics but not limited to
Accounting and Financial Information System
Adoption of Information Technology in Organizations
Auditing and IT Governance
Automated Mediation in Group Support Systems
Business Strategy and Information Systems
Distributed Information Systems, Electronic Commerce
Decision Support System
e-Business systems integration and standardization
Computerized accounting
Computerized finance
-e-supply change
Business Simulation
Financial Modelling
Data Science in Business
Electronic negotiation systems and protocols
Internet payment systems
e-Procurement methods
Techniques for B2B e-Commerce
Global e-Commerce and e-Business
e-Business models and architectures
Electronic Commerce
Engineering and Software Development
Enterprise Information Systems-ERP
Human Factors in Information Systems
Information and Communication Technology
Information Quality and Strategy
Information Systems Planning and Management
Information Systems Management
Information System and Technology
Internet Technology
Information Technology Management
IT Education And Society
IT and IS Security
Knowledge Acquisition, Expert Systems
Knowledge Based Systems to Support Database Design
Knowledge Management
Management Education
Management Information System
Object-Oriented Enterprise Modeling
Operations Management
Project Management
Public Policy Management
Software Copyright Infringements
Systems Analysis and Design Methods
Technology and Innovation
Web Technology and Management
including the following topics but not limited to
Data mining
Decision analysis
Game theory
Mathematical modeling
Probability and statistics
Project management
Social network / Transportation forecasting models
Supply chain management
Management Consulting
statistical learning
neural network learning
learning through fuzzy logic
learning through evolution (evolutionary algorithms)
reinforcement learning
multi-strategy learning
cooperative learning
planning and learning
multi-agent learning
online and incremental learning
scalability of learning algorithms
inductive learning
inductive logic programming
Bayesian networks
support vector machines
case-based reasoning
machine learning for bioinformatics and computational biology
multi-lingual knowledge acquisition and representation
grammatical inference
knowledge acquisition and learning
knowledge discovery in databases
knowledge intensive learning
knowledge representation and reasoning
machine learning and information retrieval
machine learning for web navigation and mining
learning through mobile data mining
text and multimedia mining through machine learning
distributed and parallel learning algorithms and applications
feature extraction and classification
theories and models for plausible reasoning
computational learning theory
cognitive modeling
hybrid learning algorithms
Electronic warfare
Cyber warfare and information Command, Control and Communications
e-Learning design and methodologies
e-Learning portals
Instructional design methodologies
Audio and video technologies for e-Learning
Authoring tools
e-Learning technologies and tools
Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning
Content management and development
Policy issues in e-Learning
On-demand e-Learning
e-Learning standards
Online Assessment methodologies
Knowledge management
Virtual learning environments
AI and e-Learning
On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, ...)
Open-source e-Learning platforms
Training and evaluation strategies
Case studies and emerging applications
e-learning and online learning
game-based learning
instructional technology
ubiquitous learning and flexible learning
social media for teaching and learning
massive open online courses
open education resources
online platform and environment
podcasting and broadcasting
smart learning environment
virtual reality for teaching and learning
learning analytics and education big data
institutional policies and strategies
Modelling and simulation
Security, surveillance and reconnaissance
IT management
Ad hoc, mesh, sensor networks
Cognitive network applications
Cooperative diversity and physical layer network coding
Cross-genre networks; Disruption-tolerant networks
Hybrid optical/RF networks
Mobility management
Next-generation wireless networks
Optical networks
Personal area and body area networks
Protocols: MAC, link-layer, network, transport
Scalability of RF networks, Network control
Smart Technology
Smart grid
Smart home
Smart country
Smart defence technology
Smart military base
Smart sensors.
Military vehicle design
Vehicle performance and survivability
Platform structural design and analysis
Dynamics and controls
Materials and processing
Heat transfers
Weapon system design
Vehicle verification and validation
Flight tests
Aircraft design
Platform aerodynamics
Guidance and navigation
System identification
Hardware-in-the-loop simulations
Sensor Explosions
Control systems
Power electronics and power drives
Embedded systems
Internet of Things
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
Mechatronics; Communication Systems
Wireless technologies
Physical sensors
Sensor networks
Sensor applications
Sensor fusion
Wired and wireless sensors systems
Radar technologies
Surveillance technologies
Radar networking
Cognitive radars
Passive radar
Ground based, shipborne, airborne, and space based radars
Synthetic aperture radars.
Applications of defence technology for noncombatant operations
Technology in counter-drug operations
Risk analysis
Safe city
Military Cybernetics and Robotic Systems
Military Engineering, Geospatial and Meteorological Support
Weapon Systems
Special and Combat Vehicles Systems
civil-military disaster management technologies and systems
Situational Awareness for Computer Networks Defense
Computer Network Defense
Cyber Situation Awareness
Intelligence technologies
Correlation & Automation
Collaborative Situation Awareness for Decision Making
Collaborative Defense Approach
Fraud detection
Situation Assessment & Decision Making
Defense Strategy for the Enhancement of Situational Awareness
Risk Management, Governance and Compliance
Trust, Privacy and Anonymity Issues
Financial technologies
Digital Forensic Information Analysis
Enterprise Information Security Policies, Standards and Procedures
Risks posed by Wireless Networks, including through the use of Mobile Computing, BYOD, Wearable in CND environment
Economic predictive and Analytic Technologies
Cyber Situational Awareness Tools & Techniques
Fuzzy Logic
Rough Set
Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Intelligence
Genetic Algorithm
Evidence Theory (DST)
Bayesian Networks & Set Theory
Big Data Analytics
Game Theory
Graph Theory
Network Situational Awareness
Cyber Attack Scenarios
Situation-Aware and Context-Aware Network Applications
Security Event and Information Management
Application Security, Audits and Penetration Testing
National and Critical Infrastructure Security Issues
Information Security
Community Structure Detection
Link Prediction
Large-scale Graph Analysis
Recommendation Systems and Networks
Information Spreading in Social Media
Biological and Technological Complex Networks
Ordinary differential equations
Partial differential equations
Difference equations
Dynamical systems
Fractional calculus
Fuzzy systems
Stochastic Processes
Integral and Differential Operators
Special functions
Numerical Methods in Complex Analysis
Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra
Numerical Simulation
Discrete Mathematics
Applied mathematics
Fractional calculus and its applications
Optimization and control in engineering
Mathematical modelling with engineering applications
Non-linear dynamical systems and chaos
Operational research
Fractional calculus
Advanced Analysis
Special Functions
Differential Equations
Fluid dynamics
Applied Statistics
Approximation Theory
Chaos Theory
Relativity and Cosmology
Circuits and Networks
Complexity Theory
Computational Mechanics
Computational Engineering
Continuous Modelling
Control Theory
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Database Security
Application Security
Law Enforcement and Surveillance
Border Protection and Controls
Cyber Warfare and Counter Terrorism
Situation Awareness in Military Operations
Military Doctrinal in Situation Awareness
C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)
Computer Network Operations
Computer Network Defense
Mission Awareness, Command and Control
Analysis of Large-Scale Internet Traffic
Attack Graphs
Advanced Security Incident Analysis
law, policy and strategy related with defense technology and security
System randomization
Artificial diversity
Cyber maneuver and agility
Software diversity
Dynamic network configuration
Moving target in the cloud
System diversification techniques
Dynamic compilation techniques
Adaptive defenses
Intelligent countermeasure selection
MTD strategies and planning
Deep learning for MTD
MTD quantification methods and models
MTD evaluation and assessment frameworks
Large-scale MTD (using multiple techniques)
Moving target in software coding, application API virtualization
Autonomous technologies for MTD
Theoretic study on modeling trade-offs of using MTD approaches
Human, social, and usability aspects of MTD
Measurement studies
Cyber warfare attacks and defense
Social cyber-attacks and defense
Memory exploitation
Applied cryptography
Network protocol vulnerability analysis
Blockchain attacks
Reverse engineering, and reverse engineering Automation
Operational experience and case studies
Malware infection vectors (drivebys, worms, mobile exploits, etc.)
Applied decryption techniques
Attacks and Defense of emerging technologies
Carding and identity theft
Hardware vulnerabilities
Insider threat detection and prevention
Application of data science to cyber attacks and defense
Attacks against distributed cloud storage
Target and Background Signatures
Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing
Technologies for Optical Countermeasures
High Power Lasers: Technology and Systems, Platforms, Effects
Advanced Free-Space Optical Communication Techniques and Applications
Emerging Technologies
Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology
Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology
Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance
Quantum Technologies and Quantum Information Science
Unmanned Sensors and Systems and Countermeasures
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Micro- and Nanosystems in Security and Defence
NEW - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Defence Applications
Social media and related regime conflicts
Social media and the Occupy movement
Social media and student protests / austerity protests
Social media and riots / social unrest in urban areas
Social media and political protests and activism
Social media and marginal political groups
Proceedings of full papers of the 2019 ICDSA Conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’ Publons etc.
Registration for Full Paper $300 (Short paper 3-4 pages and Full paper 5-6 pages IEEE Paper template http://icspn.ghsociety.org/template.doc) This covers presentation and conference participation.
Registration for Abstract Only $100. (Title, Name of Authors, Affiliation, Abstract and Key words) This covers presentation and conference participation.
All selected papers further qualified for future advancement/improvement of work-done for Special Issues in reputable Journals and Book Chapters to be indexed in reputable places such as SCOPUS. Authors will be contacted in the future for submissions to these call for papers. All selected abstracts qualify for such invitations.
Submission link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICDSA2019
Website : http://icdsa.ghsociety.org/
Deadline for full papers submission :
20th May 2019 Extended to 13th July 2019
Final notification of acceptance :
25th May 2019 Extended to 15th July 2019
Deadline for Camera-ready :
28th May 2019 Extended to 16th July
Conference date : 17th to 19th July 2019
Venue : Ghana Technology University College, Accra Ghana.
The International Conference on Computer, Data Science and Applications is a blind review and an annually organized conference in the areas of Computer science, e-business, information technology, information systems, software engineering, computer engineering, electrical engineering, Telecommunications, business information systems, computational modeling, expert systems, E-learning, E-Business, E-Learning and Instructional Technologies, Signal Processing and Networks ,E-Agriculture, New Communication, Computational Mathematical Modelling, Financial Technologies, Software Systems and Architecture Health Informatics, Computational Biomedical Engineering, Computational Healthcare and Medicine, Computing Security Data Analytics for IoT Cognitive IoT Identity management in IoT Security and Privacy of IoT Social and Human Aspects in IoT Cloud Computing and IoT Body sensor networks Intelligent Transportation Systems Smart Grids Smart Homes and mart Cities Smart Agriculture Industrial IoT Applications Consumer IoT Applications, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data applications etc. Best presentations at the conference will be selected and awarded.
Proceedings of full papers of the 2019 ICDSA Conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’ Publons etc.
There will be presentations, workshops, seminars, etc. It is an opportunity for academics, industry professionals, government civil and security sector employees, practitioners and consultants from around the world who are involved in the study, work, management, development and implementation of systems related to the computing fields and its applications to share, network and exchange knowledge. Including the following topics but not limited to
Data Governance
Data asset
Data governance
Data steward
Data Ethics
Data Architecture
Data architecture
Data flows
Data modeling and Design
Database & Storage Management
Data maintenance
Database administration
Database management system
Business continuity planning
Data Security
Data access
Data erasure
Data privacy
Data security
Reference and Master Data
Data integration
Master data management
Reference data
Data Integration and Inter-operability
Data movement (Extract, transform, load )
Data Interoperability
Documents and Content
Document management system
Records management
Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence
Business intelligence
Data analysis and Data mining
Data warehouse and Data mart
Metadata management
Metadata discovery
Metadata publishing
Metadata registry
Data Quality
Data cleansing
Data integrity
Data enrichment
Data quality
Data quality assurance
including the following topics but not limited to
Operations management
Supply chain management
Management of technology
New product development and product engineering
Systems engineering
Big Data Management
including the following topics but not limited to
Manufacturing Engineering
Engineering management
Process engineering
Systems engineering
Software engineering
Safety engineering
Data scien
Machine learning
Analytics and data mining
Cost engineering
Value engineering
Predetermined motion time system
Quality engineering
Project management
Supply chain management
Operations management
Job design
Financial engineering
Facility management
Engineering design process
Capital projects
including the following topics but not limited to
Accounting and Financial Information System
Adoption of Information Technology in Organizations
Auditing and IT Governance
Automated Mediation in Group Support Systems
Business Strategy and Information Systems
Distributed Information Systems, Electronic Commerce
Decision Support System
e-Business systems integration and standardization
Computerized accounting
Computerized finance
-e-supply change
Business Simulation
Financial Modelling
Data Science in Business
Electronic negotiation systems and protocols
Internet payment systems
e-Procurement methods
Techniques for B2B e-Commerce
Global e-Commerce and e-Business
e-Business models and architectures
Electronic Commerce
Engineering and Software Development
Enterprise Information Systems-ERP
Human Factors in Information Systems
Information and Communication Technology
Information Quality and Strategy
Information Systems Planning and Management
Information Systems Management
Information System and Technology
Internet Technology
Information Technology Management
IT Education And Society
IT and IS Security
Knowledge Acquisition, Expert Systems
Knowledge Based Systems to Support Database Design
Knowledge Management
Management Education
Management Information System
Object-Oriented Enterprise Modeling
Operations Management
Project Management
Public Policy Management
Software Copyright Infringements
Systems Analysis and Design Methods
Technology and Innovation
Web Technology and Management
including the following topics but not limited to
Data mining
Decision analysis
Game theory
Mathematical modeling
Probability and statistics
Project management
Social network / Transportation forecasting models
Supply chain management
Management Consulting
statistical learning
neural network learning
learning through fuzzy logic
learning through evolution (evolutionary algorithms)
reinforcement learning
multi-strategy learning
cooperative learning
planning and learning
multi-agent learning
online and incremental learning
scalability of learning algorithms
inductive learning
inductive logic programming
Bayesian networks
support vector machines
case-based reasoning
machine learning for bioinformatics and computational biology
multi-lingual knowledge acquisition and representation
grammatical inference
knowledge acquisition and learning
knowledge discovery in databases
knowledge intensive learning
knowledge representation and reasoning
machine learning and information retrieval
machine learning for web navigation and mining
learning through mobile data mining
text and multimedia mining through machine learning
distributed and parallel learning algorithms and applications
feature extraction and classification
theories and models for plausible reasoning
computational learning theory
cognitive modeling
hybrid learning algorithms
Electronic warfare
Cyber warfare and information Command, Control and Communications
e-Learning design and methodologies
e-Learning portals
Instructional design methodologies
Audio and video technologies for e-Learning
Authoring tools
e-Learning technologies and tools
Social impact and cultural issues in e-Learning
Content management and development
Policy issues in e-Learning
On-demand e-Learning
e-Learning standards
Online Assessment methodologies
Knowledge management
Virtual learning environments
AI and e-Learning
On-line education (all levels: elementary, secondary, ...)
Open-source e-Learning platforms
Training and evaluation strategies
Case studies and emerging applications
e-learning and online learning
game-based learning
instructional technology
ubiquitous learning and flexible learning
social media for teaching and learning
massive open online courses
open education resources
online platform and environment
podcasting and broadcasting
smart learning environment
virtual reality for teaching and learning
learning analytics and education big data
institutional policies and strategies
Modelling and simulation
Security, surveillance and reconnaissance
IT management
Ad hoc, mesh, sensor networks
Cognitive network applications
Cooperative diversity and physical layer network coding
Cross-genre networks; Disruption-tolerant networks
Hybrid optical/RF networks
Mobility management
Next-generation wireless networks
Optical networks
Personal area and body area networks
Protocols: MAC, link-layer, network, transport
Scalability of RF networks, Network control
Smart Technology
Smart grid
Smart home
Smart country
Smart defence technology
Smart military base
Smart sensors.
Military vehicle design
Vehicle performance and survivability
Platform structural design and analysis
Dynamics and controls
Materials and processing
Heat transfers
Weapon system design
Vehicle verification and validation
Flight tests
Aircraft design
Platform aerodynamics
Guidance and navigation
System identification
Hardware-in-the-loop simulations
Sensor Explosions
Control systems
Power electronics and power drives
Embedded systems
Internet of Things
Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
Mechatronics; Communication Systems
Wireless technologies
Physical sensors
Sensor networks
Sensor applications
Sensor fusion
Wired and wireless sensors systems
Radar technologies
Surveillance technologies
Radar networking
Cognitive radars
Passive radar
Ground based, shipborne, airborne, and space based radars
Synthetic aperture radars.
Applications of defence technology for noncombatant operations
Technology in counter-drug operations
Risk analysis
Safe city
Military Cybernetics and Robotic Systems
Military Engineering, Geospatial and Meteorological Support
Weapon Systems
Special and Combat Vehicles Systems
civil-military disaster management technologies and systems
Situational Awareness for Computer Networks Defense
Computer Network Defense
Cyber Situation Awareness
Intelligence technologies
Correlation & Automation
Collaborative Situation Awareness for Decision Making
Collaborative Defense Approach
Fraud detection
Situation Assessment & Decision Making
Defense Strategy for the Enhancement of Situational Awareness
Risk Management, Governance and Compliance
Trust, Privacy and Anonymity Issues
Financial technologies
Digital Forensic Information Analysis
Enterprise Information Security Policies, Standards and Procedures
Risks posed by Wireless Networks, including through the use of Mobile Computing, BYOD, Wearable in CND environment
Economic predictive and Analytic Technologies
Cyber Situational Awareness Tools & Techniques
Fuzzy Logic
Rough Set
Artificial Neural Networks
Artificial Intelligence
Genetic Algorithm
Evidence Theory (DST)
Bayesian Networks & Set Theory
Big Data Analytics
Game Theory
Graph Theory
Network Situational Awareness
Cyber Attack Scenarios
Situation-Aware and Context-Aware Network Applications
Security Event and Information Management
Application Security, Audits and Penetration Testing
National and Critical Infrastructure Security Issues
Information Security
Community Structure Detection
Link Prediction
Large-scale Graph Analysis
Recommendation Systems and Networks
Information Spreading in Social Media
Biological and Technological Complex Networks
Ordinary differential equations
Partial differential equations
Difference equations
Dynamical systems
Fractional calculus
Fuzzy systems
Stochastic Processes
Integral and Differential Operators
Special functions
Numerical Methods in Complex Analysis
Numerical Methods in Linear Algebra
Numerical Simulation
Discrete Mathematics
Applied mathematics
Fractional calculus and its applications
Optimization and control in engineering
Mathematical modelling with engineering applications
Non-linear dynamical systems and chaos
Operational research
Fractional calculus
Advanced Analysis
Special Functions
Differential Equations
Fluid dynamics
Applied Statistics
Approximation Theory
Chaos Theory
Relativity and Cosmology
Circuits and Networks
Complexity Theory
Computational Mechanics
Computational Engineering
Continuous Modelling
Control Theory
Cyber Security
Cyber Security
Database Security
Application Security
Law Enforcement and Surveillance
Border Protection and Controls
Cyber Warfare and Counter Terrorism
Situation Awareness in Military Operations
Military Doctrinal in Situation Awareness
C4ISR (Command, Control, Communications, Computers, Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance)
Computer Network Operations
Computer Network Defense
Mission Awareness, Command and Control
Analysis of Large-Scale Internet Traffic
Attack Graphs
Advanced Security Incident Analysis
law, policy and strategy related with defense technology and security
System randomization
Artificial diversity
Cyber maneuver and agility
Software diversity
Dynamic network configuration
Moving target in the cloud
System diversification techniques
Dynamic compilation techniques
Adaptive defenses
Intelligent countermeasure selection
MTD strategies and planning
Deep learning for MTD
MTD quantification methods and models
MTD evaluation and assessment frameworks
Large-scale MTD (using multiple techniques)
Moving target in software coding, application API virtualization
Autonomous technologies for MTD
Theoretic study on modeling trade-offs of using MTD approaches
Human, social, and usability aspects of MTD
Measurement studies
Cyber warfare attacks and defense
Social cyber-attacks and defense
Memory exploitation
Applied cryptography
Network protocol vulnerability analysis
Blockchain attacks
Reverse engineering, and reverse engineering Automation
Operational experience and case studies
Malware infection vectors (drivebys, worms, mobile exploits, etc.)
Applied decryption techniques
Attacks and Defense of emerging technologies
Carding and identity theft
Hardware vulnerabilities
Insider threat detection and prevention
Application of data science to cyber attacks and defense
Attacks against distributed cloud storage
Target and Background Signatures
Electro-Optical and Infrared Systems: Technology and Applications
Electro-Optical Remote Sensing
Technologies for Optical Countermeasures
High Power Lasers: Technology and Systems, Platforms, Effects
Advanced Free-Space Optical Communication Techniques and Applications
Emerging Technologies
Millimetre Wave and Terahertz Sensors and Technology
Optical Materials and Biomaterials in Security and Defence Systems Technology
Counterterrorism, Crime Fighting, Forensics, and Surveillance
Quantum Technologies and Quantum Information Science
Unmanned Sensors and Systems and Countermeasures
Advanced Manufacturing Technologies for Micro- and Nanosystems in Security and Defence
NEW - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Defence Applications
Social media and related regime conflicts
Social media and the Occupy movement
Social media and student protests / austerity protests
Social media and riots / social unrest in urban areas
Social media and political protests and activism
Social media and marginal political groups
Proceedings of full papers of the 2019 ICDSA Conference will be submitted to IEEE Xplore and other places such as Scopus, titles of papers will be made available in Web of Science linked to ResearcherID and Clarivate Analytics’ Publons etc.
Registration for Full Paper $300 (Short paper 3-4 pages and Full paper 5-6 pages IEEE Paper template http://icspn.ghsociety.org/template.doc) This covers presentation and conference participation.
Registration for Abstract Only $100. (Title, Name of Authors, Affiliation, Abstract and Key words) This covers presentation and conference participation.
All selected papers further qualified for future advancement/improvement of work-done for Special Issues in reputable Journals and Book Chapters to be indexed in reputable places such as SCOPUS. Authors will be contacted in the future for submissions to these call for papers. All selected abstracts qualify for such invitations.
Submission link: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/ICDSA2019
Website : http://icdsa.ghsociety.org/
Deadline for full papers submission :
20th May 2019 Extended to 13th July 2019
Final notification of acceptance :
25th May 2019 Extended to 15th July 2019
Deadline for Camera-ready :
28th May 2019 Extended to 16th July
Conference date : 17th to 19th July 2019
Venue : Ghana Technology University College, Accra Ghana.
Other CFPs
- International Conference on Computer, Data Science and Applications
- 9th Edition of International Conference on Catalysis and Chemistry
- 5th International Conference on Image and Signal Processing (ISPR -2019)
- 2nd International Conference on Natural Language Processing (NATP 2019)
- 5th International Conference on Computer Science, Information Technology and Applications (CSITA 2020)
Last modified: 2019-07-01 08:02:43