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2019 - Surviving an Emotionally Toxic Workplace



VenueFremont, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsToxic Workplace; Organizational; Entrepreneurial organizations


Topics/Call fo Papers

You will leave this webinar with a clear understanding of what drives these emotional outbursts and how to use a 3 step process to deal with them constructively and productively.
You will know how to use the Art of Emotional Aikido - you'll be able to protect yourself from even the harshest attacks. You will be able to leave "work at work" and enjoy your personal time without having to replay events of the day.
Think about it:
How much more work you'll get done?
How much more energy you'll have at the end of the day?
How much more you'll enjoy your job and going to work?
Well now you can get more done, have more energy and enjoy your personal time more.
Why should you Attend
A need to advise their staff who feel the workplace is toxic
Ever felt frustrated by the irrationality and unproductivity of the emotions of other people
Ever felt exhausted having to deal with these emotions
Ever wanted to avoid a person or meeting because they knew it would be unproductive and they'd leave emotionally exhausted
Replayed a situation after the fact trying to figure out "what happened" or "what I could have done differently"
Ever reacted emotionally to a situation and after regretted their response
Areas Covered in the Session
A 3-step process to de-escalate emotional situations
The art of Emotional Aikido - how to protect yourself when confronted with strong emotions
The 7 irrational thinking patterns that set the stage for destructive emotions
A simple-to-use 5-step model for immediately letting go when things does terribly awry - you won't have to carry those events around in your head
What drives emotional reactions - the triune brain explained
Why people react emotionally, even when it doesn't seem rational, or in their best interests
Who Will Benefit
People from all organizational levels can benefit from these strategies
Speaker Profile
Michael Healey Since 1987 he has been consulting with businesses and organizations that understand the value of developing organizational culture and their people as a foundation for continual improvement and enhancing organizational capacity.

Last modified: 2019-06-17 15:26:19