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Online Webinar 2019 - Creating a Cyber Incident Response Program That works



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Topics/Call fo Papers

The best way forward is an efficient Incident Response Program that allows an organization to respond with speed and agility, while empowering businesses to maintain continuous operations. Such a solution also reduces revenue loss, reduces fines and lawsuits and protects brand reputation.
Information Security, Governance & Risk, are all critical aspects of planning and execution of the Information Security Plan. Who in your organization has key responsibility to develop an information security governance program; review existing Information Security policies and standards to ascertain their adequacy in coverage scope against industry best practices, and update them asappropriate, taking into account compliance recommendations?
Establish Key Performance Indicators (KPI) to determine if your Information Systems Incident Response program meets business objectives and operational metrics for ongoing process improvement.
Learn how to develop a CSIRT Policies, Program, Plan, Playbook, Training and Exercises
Session Highlights
Key points to be discussed at the session include:
• Adopting a systematic approach to risk tracking to enhance the effectiveness of the Cyber Incident Program
• Outlining the critical actions to take if an event affects the company or its partners
• Understanding an organizations’ susceptibility to a Cyber Attack
• Cyber Incident Response: Getting started, research, training, testing and maintaining
• Standards and Best Practice: ISO 27001, ISO 27035, ISO 27005, ISO 22316 NIST, FFIEC, HIPPA AND HITRUST
Who Will Benefit
Information Security Managers
Technology Managers
Why should you attend
Is your Cyber security Incident Response team trained to respond in an Incident? Many organizations thought they were and then the results proved otherwise. Are you willing to risk your Business Reputation on their training? Coordination of incident handling stops duplication of effort. Training should concentrate not only on the capability to react to incidents but the ability to utilize the resources to alert and inform its stakeholders. We will cover table top tests, table top exercises, full Red Team Blue team training. Playing the role of an attacker can make your team better at defense. Many companies exercises do not using formal blue teams. This is an effective way to have a more realistic idea of their true defensive capabilities. Exercises do not have to be expensive. There are so many types of tests.
Ms. Michael C. Redmond specializes in Business Continuity Management, Emergency Management, Crisis Management, Information Security, Business Processes Reorganization, Management Processing, and Regulatory Compliance. Regulatory Compliance includes: FFIEC, Sarbanes Oxley, Patriot, HIPPA, UCC, Basal Accord, and NFPA 1600, NYSE's version, known as Rule 446, and the NASD's Rules 3510 and 3520 and others. She is the CEO of Redmond Worldwide “Enterprise Solutions That Work”sm.

Last modified: 2019-04-23 20:47:52