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  1. Technoarete-International Conference on Current Research in Mechanical, Mechatronics, Robotics and Civil Engineering (ICMMRCE-15)
    Deadline: 2015-12-09 Event Date: 2015-12-25 - 2015-12-26
    Venue: Excel Capital Hotel 23/24, Yarza Thingaha Road, Dekhina Thiri Township, Naypyidaw, Myanmar, Myanmar
  2. Technoarete-International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Communication Engineering (ICEEICE-15)
    Deadline: 2015-12-09 Event Date: 2015-12-25 - 2015-12-26
    Venue: Excel Capital Hotel 23/24, Yarza Thingaha Road, Dekhina Thiri Township, Naypyidaw, Myanmar, Myanmar
  3. Technoarete-International Conference on Computer Science, Software, Networking and Information Technology (ICCSSNIT-15)
    Deadline: 2015-12-09 Event Date: 2015-12-25 - 2015-12-26
    Venue: Excel Capital Hotel 23/24, Yarza Thingaha Road, Dekhina Thiri Township, Naypyidaw, Myanmar, Myanmar
  4. 2015 International Conference on Food and Environmental Sciences
    Deadline: 2014-11-20 Event Date: 2015-02-08 - 2015-02-09
    Venue: Rangoon, Myanmar
  5. 2015 International Conference on Environment and Renewable Energy
    Deadline: 2014-11-20 Event Date: 2015-02-08 - 2015-02-09
    Venue: Rangoon, Myanmar
  6. 2015 International Conference on Geological Engineering
    Deadline: 2014-11-20 Event Date: 2015-02-08 - 2015-02-09
    Venue: Rangoon, Myanmar
  7. Tenth International Conference on Computer Applications
    Deadline: 2012-01-30 Event Date: 2012-02-28
    Venue: Yangon, Myanmar
  8. An edited volume of Springer-Verlag's on Waste-to-Energy: Recent Developments Call for Chapters 2010
    Deadline: 2010-05-30 Event Date: 2011-03-30
    Venue: Call for C, Myanmar