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Botnets 2019 - Botnets: Architectures, Countermeasures, and Challenges



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Topics/Call fo Papers

The objective of this edited book is to attract state-of-the-art contributions from both scientists and practitioners working on botnet detection and analysis, including botnet economics. We seek original theoretical or empirical chapters dealing with both offensive and defensive aspects in this field. Particularly, a chapter may address fundamental theory, current trends and techniques for evading detection, as well as practical experiences concerning detection and defensive strategies for the botnet ecosystem. Surveys, simulations, practical results and case studies are also welcomed.
We seek original contributions in the following four broad categories of topics pertaining to botnets:
Botnet modeling, topologies, and architectures
- Centralized, decentralized and hybrid botnet architectures
- Peer to peer (P2P) botnets
- Mobile botnets
- IoT-based botnets
- Cloud-based botnets
- Social network botnets
Economics of botnets
- Cybercrime and underground economy
- Optimization of botnet size
- Strategies to reduce the profitability of criminal botnets
- Methods to calculate the territorial sizes for online criminal networks
- Botnet-as-a-Service, Booters, Stressers
Advanced C&C channels:
- Botnet behavior and protocol modeling and analysis
- Fast-fluxing
- Domain Generation Algorithms
State-of-the-art in detection and mitigation of botnets:
- Botnet-powered DDoS attacks
- Botnet infiltration
- Botnet shutdown operation
- DGA-based domain name sinkholing
- Traffic monitoring and big data analysis of botnet coordination
- Graph representation and analysis of botnets
- SDN-based botnet detection and blocking
- Cryptocurrency mining botnets
- Legal issues
Chapter Proposals/Full Chapters submission:
Chapter proposals and full chapters can be submitted using email attachments to editors via email ( with the email subject of "Chapters for Botnets: Architectures, Countermeasures, and Challenges". Authors of accepted proposals will be notified 2-3 weeks after the submission, but final acceptance will still depend upon a review of the resulting chapter.
Authors should send the chapters in single column format (single spaced, 10 point Times Roman font, 8.5 x 11-inch page size).
-The maximum number of pages for the proposal is 2.
-The full chapter submission can have about 16 to 25 pages, but more are allowed.
Important dates:
Full Chapter Submission: Dec. 31, 2018
Notification: Feb. 28, 2019
Final Chapter Submission: March 31, 2019
Editor Information:
Dr. Georgios Kambourakis, University of the Aegean, Greece
Dr. Marios Anagnostopoulos, Technology and Design (SUTD), Singapore
Dr. Weizhi Meng, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark
Dr. Peng Zhou, Shanghai University, China

Last modified: 2018-08-18 12:20:47