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Meche 2018 - 6th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering (Meche 2018)

Date2018-11-24 - 2018-11-25


VenueDubai,UAE, UAE - United Arab Emirates UAE - United Arab Emirates

KeywordsBiomaterials; Solar Energy; Network


Topics/Call fo Papers

November 24~25, 2018, Dubai, UAE
6th International Conference On Mechanical Engineering (Meche 2018) will provide an excellent International forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology, applications, impacts and challenges of Mechanical Engineering. The conference documents practical and theoretical results which make a fundamental contribution for the development of Mechanical Engineering. The aim of the conference is to provide a platform to the researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as industry to meet and share cutting-edge development in the field.
Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to
Topics of Interest
Operations Management
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Reliability and Maintenance Engineering
Total Quality Management and Quality Engineering
Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Non-Traditional Machining processes
Machinability of Materials, Composite Materials
Design Tools, Cutting Tool Material and Coatings
Energy Conservation, Renewable Energy Techniques
Fluid Dynamics, Bio-fuels, Fuel Cells
CAD/CAM, Automation & Robotics
Advances Aero Space Technology
Transportation Systems
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit papers through the Submission System by November 04, 2018. The proceedings of the conference will be published as the Special Issue in the International Journal of Recent advances in Mechanical Engineering (IJMECH) (Confirmed).
Submission System
Selected papers from MECHE 2018, after further revisions, will be published in the special issue of the following journal
Mechanical Engineering: An International Journal (MEIJ)
Mechatronics and Applications: An International Journal (MECHATROJ)
Important Dates
Submission Deadline : November 04, 2018
Authors Notification :November 18, 2018
Registration & Camera-Ready Paper Due :November 20, 2018
Here's where you can reach us: or
Paper Submission URL:

Last modified: 2018-11-01 18:10:27