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2018 - How to Make Design Part of Your Product Development DNA



VenueAurora, Colorado 80016-6104, USA - United States USA - United States

KeywordsProduct design and development; Design Research Tools


Topics/Call fo Papers

Getting your development team to move forward in a cohesive fashion can be hard. Engineers and designers can have different goals and methods during a development project. In this session we will explore ways to embark into design research work that will fuel the product development work down the road, and learn a few things about creativity and our brains. Methods discussed will enable participants to develop rich results from voice of customer work, and enable the development of strong, robust inputs and requirements. This will help create an understanding of how to effectively work in the ‘fuzzy front end’ of development, and create common ground for team members to work together with a design thinking focus. Armed with these items, participants will be able to be more effective in their development work and raise the outcome level of usability engineering work, and ultimately deliver more innovative results from development work.
Many engineers believe they are not creative people. Yet often they are tasked with solving problems, which is a creative activity at its heart. If you need to find ways to be more creative during development projects, we will show you how. Often times members of development teams are isolated to work on their specialty tasks in silo’s, separated from others on the team. This can lead to an ineffective use of time and resources. If you are looking for ways to collaborate with your team, and are looking for common ground to focus your efforts on, we will explore ways to succeed. If you are doubtful that your company can embrace practices that will allow you and your team to innovate well, you gain some knowledge of key practices to unfold Design Driven Development.
Areas covered include the Roles of designers and engineers in product development, and why they are often inefficient, pathways to collaboration that lead to innovation and creative development work, and keys to understanding and implementing Design Driven Development.
Understand how designers’ and engineers’ brains work
Learn how to exercise your brain, inform your team and dig out creative ideas
Learn the keys to Design Driven Development
VP’s of R&D
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R&D Managers
Design Engineers
R&D teams
Tom Kramer, president and CEO of Kablooe Design, has been a product innovator for over 26 years, and holds a Certificate in Master of Product Development from North-western University and a Bachelor’s in Industrial Design degree from MCAD. He also holds a certificate from Stanford University in Cardiovascular System in Health and Disease. He creates revenue for his customers by delivering innovative product solutions to their portfolios. Mr. KraMer spearheaded the D3 Process™ (Design Driven Development), a vehicle to provide these results to customers, and he teaches this process by travelling as a lecturer and speaking about innovation, creativity, and development processes.
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Last modified: 2018-03-20 19:42:43