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CMS 2016 - Computational Management Science

Date2016-06-01 - 2016-06-03


VenueSalamanca, Spain Spain



Topics/Call fo Papers

The CMS conference is an annual meeting associated with the journal of Computational Management Science published by Springer. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for theoreticians and practitioners from academia and industry to exchange knowledge, ideas and results in a broad range of topics relevant to the theory and practice of computational methods, models and empirical analysis for decision making in economics, engineering, finance and management.
The focus is on all computational aspects of management science: theoretical and empirical studies of computational methods, models and empirical analysis. These include computational economics, finance and statistics, energy, scheduling, supply chains, design, analysis and applications of optimisation algorithms, deterministic, dynamic, stochastic, robust and combinatorial optimisation models, solution algorithms, learning and forecasting such as neural networks and genetic algorithms, models and tools of knowledge acquisition, such as data mining, and all other topics in management science with the emphasis on computational paradigms.
This edition of the conference is organised by the Rey Juan Carlos University and the Euro Working Group on Stochastic Programming.
Special issue of Computational Management Science journal
It is scheduled the publication of a special issue of Computational Management Science associated with the conference CMS2016. Further information will be provided in the near future.
Euro Working Group on Stochastic Programming
The EURO Working Group on Stochastic Programming is a research groups supported by EURO (The Association of European Operational Research Societies) whose objective is to promote SP research, education, and applications in Europe. Among others activities (see here for more information), EWGSP promotes and supports the CMS2016 conference.
Student Best Paper Prize
A Student Best Paper Prize will be awarded at the CMS conference. The prize is 250 EUR and includes the possibility of publication in the journal of Computational Management Science. If you have good candidates please nominate them by sending an e-mail to
The deadline for nominations is April 15th. Only registered participants' papers will be considered for the prize.
The program will include a devoted session for presenting the three best papers to compete for the Prize, such that the Jury could make the final choice.

Last modified: 2015-12-31 09:03:55