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ALT 2015 - 26th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2015)

Date2015-10-04 - 2015-10-06


VenueBanff, Canada Canada



Topics/Call fo Papers

26th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2015 --
see will be held in Banff,
Canada, during October 4-6, 2015. The conference is on the theoretical
foundations of machine learning. The conference will be co-located with
the 18th International Conference on Discovery Science (DS 2015).
Topics of Interest: We invite submissions with theoretical and algorithmic
contributions to new or already existing learning problems including but are
not limited to:
* Comparison of the strength of learning models and the design and evaluation
of novel algorithms for learning problems in established learning-theoretic
settings such as
- Statistical learning theory,
- On-line learning,
- Inductive inference,
- Query models,
- Unsupervised learning
- Clustering
- Semi-supervised and active learning
- Stochastic optimization
- High dimensional and non-parametric inference
- Exploration-Exploitation tradeoff, bandit theory
- Reinforcement learning, planning
- Learning with additional constraints, e.g, communication, time or memory
budget, or privacy.
* Analysis of the theoretical properties of existing algorithms. Families of
algorithms could include
- Boosting,
- Kernel-based methods, SVM,
- Bayesian networks,
- Graph- and/or manifold-based methods,
- methods for latent-variable estimation and/or clustering,
- MDL,
- decision tree methods,
- information-based methods.
Analyses could include generalization, speed of convergence, computational
complexity, and sample complexity.
* Definition and analysis of new learning models. Models might identify and
formalize classes of learning problems inadequately addressed by existing
theory or capture salient properties of important concrete applications.
We are also interested in papers that include viewpoints that are new to the
ALT community. We welcome experimental and algorithmic papers provided they
are relevant to the focus of the conference by elucidating theoretical results,
or by pointing out interesting and not well understood behavior that could
stimulate theoretical analysis.
Format. The submitted paper should be no longer than 15 pages in the standard
format for Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series.
The 15 page limit includes title, abstract, acknowledgements, references,
illustrations and any other parts of the paper; appendixes bypassing the page
limit are not allowed.
In a departure from previous years, this year the ALT reviewing process will be
double blind. Authors should ensure that the submission does not include author
names and affiliations. Acknowledgements should not be included in the
submission version of the paper, and prior work by the authors should be
referred to in the third person. Papers that do not satisfy these guidelines
will not be reviewed.
Policy. Each submitted paper will be reviewed by the members of the program
committee and be judged on clarity, significance and originality. Joint
submissions to other conferences with published proceedings are not allowed.
Papers that have appeared in or are under review for journals or other
conferences are not appropriate for ALT 2015. However, it is acceptable to
submit to ALT work that has been made available as a technical report (or
similar, e.g. in arXiv) without citing it.
Proceedings. All accepted papers will be published as a volume in the Lecture
Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag, and will be available at
the conference. Full versions of selected papers of ALT 2015 will be invited
to a special issue of the journal Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier).
E.M. Gold Award. One scholarship of 555 EUR will be awarded to a student author
of an excellent paper (please mark student submissions on the title page).
Important Dates.
Full Paper Submission: May 11, 2015
Author Notification: June 26, 2015
Camera-Ready Papers Due: July 14, 2015
Conference: October 4-6, 2015
Submission. Authors can submit their papers electronically via our submission
page through Easychair (,
which will be opened for submissions in April 2015.
PC co-chairs:
Kamalika Chaudhuri, University of California, San Diego
Claudio Gentile, Universita' degli Studi dell'Insubria, Varese
Local chairs:
Sandra Zilles, University of Regina
Csaba Szepesvari, University of Alberta
Programme Committee Members:
Dana Angluin, Yale University
Andras Antos, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Shai Ben-David, University of Waterloo
Nader Bshouty, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Nicolo Cesa-Bianchi, Universita degli Studi di Milano
Vitaly Feldman, IBM, Almaden Research Center, San Jose
Marcus Hutter, Australian National University
Sanjay Jain, National University of Singapore
Wouter M. Koolen, Queensland University of Technology & University of California, Berkeley
Timo Kötzing, Universität Jena
Lihong Li, Microsoft Research
Odalric-Ambrym Maillard, Technion Israel Institute of Technology
Yishay Mansour, Microsoft Research and Tel Aviv University
Claire Monteleoni, The George Washington University
Gergely Neu, INRIA
Francesco Orabona, Yahoo Labs NY
Mark Reid, Australian National University
Lev Reyzin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Philippe Rigollet, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sivan Sabato, Ben Gurion University of the Negev
Hans Ulrich Simon, Ruhr Universität Bochum
Karthik Sridharan, Cornell University
Liwei Wang, Peking University
Queries. For queries please contact the PC co-chairs via the email

Last modified: 2015-01-28 23:59:03