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Smart city governance 2015 - International Conference 2015 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Aug. 7-9, 2015, TAIPEI

Date2015-08-07 - 2015-08-09


VenueNational Taipei University of Technology Library, Taipei City, Taiwan Taiwan

KeywordsSmart city management; Smart mobility society; Smart infrastructure planning


Topics/Call fo Papers

International Conference 2015 on Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, Aug. 7-9, 2015, TAIPEI
Smart city governance
The concept of smart city is suggested as a new style of city for providing sustainable growth and encouraging healthy economic activities to reduce the burden on the environment while improving the QoL (Quality of Life) of city residents. Many experimental projects are currently being carried out in the world, which are varied and divers. Many researchers also be actively involved in vitalizing smart city activities and improving the QoL of residents using ICT-representative technology (Information and Communications Technology). For promoting the establishment of smart cities, SPSD2015 is intended to gather researchers and planning consultants who will share their own ideas and the latest results of research and successful case studies in smart city governance.
Kuanghui PENG, PhD, Professor
Conference 2015 Chairman,
National Taipei University of Technology, Taipei
Brian PAI, PhD, Assoc. Professor
Conference 2015 Vice Chairman,
National Chengchi University, Taipei
Smart city management;
Smart infrastructure planning;
Smart mobility society, life style and community;
Human behaviors, Spatial analysis and urban modelling;
Sustainable development indicator, spatial analysis and urban modelling;
Sustainable society and community development;
Sustainable society, smart city and planning framework;
No limit to the above sessions..
Important Dates (Draft):
For full paper submission and afterconference publication
Deadline for abstract (no more than 800 words):15th Feb, 2015
Notification for the acceptance of abstract:28th Feb, 2015
Deadline for full paper:15th April, 2013
There will be a review process for afterconference publication and deadline for revised manuscripts
For abstract only and oral presentation
Deadline for abstract (no more than 800 words):15th May, 2015
Notification for the acceptance of abstract:15th June, 2015
Paper submission:
Please use the on-line submission system of SPSD2015
Author Guidelines
SPSD 2015 paper submission and review process is conducted in the following manner:
1) Full paper submission
SPSD 2015 requires authors to submit the title, list of authors, a brief abstract (about 800 words), and a list of 3-6 keywords for each paper before the abstracts submission deadline. Authors can update the above information when submitting the full-length paper.
The length of each paper should not be longer than 18 pages following the format given in the paper template.
Submission of the paper abstract and the full-length paper must be done electronically.
Paper submissions will be reviewed by experts in their respective research fields selected by the conference committee.
2) Afterconference publication
If you like to cooperate with us for after conference publication, please select the option when you submit your full paper. A review process will be conducted and review reports will send out for further revision.
3) Abstract only
SPSD 2015 requires authors to submit the title, list of authors, a brief abstract (about 800 words), and a list of 3-6 keywords before the abstracts submission deadline.

Last modified: 2015-01-26 21:42:19