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CrowdUI 2014 - 1st International Workshop on User Interfaces for Crowdsourcing and Human Computation



VenueComo, Italy Italy



Topics/Call fo Papers

Crowdsourcing and Human Computation raises a variety of new challenges for user interfaces and user interaction designers. How to efficiently and effectively support implicit and/or explicit Crowdsourcing and Human Computation tasks is still an open research question. The goal of the CrowdUI workshop is to gather researchers and practitioners in the diverse fields related to the integration, interaction and visualization of data to explore the feasibility of using and combining different approaches to create effective user interfaces and usage experience for applications relying on, or producing crowdsourced data.
Context and motivation
Recent years witnessed an explosion in the number and variety of data crowdsourcing initiatives. From OpenStreetMap to Amazon Mechanical Turk, developers and practitioners have been striving to create user interfaces able to effectively and efficiently support the creation, exploration, and analysis of crowdsourced information. A representative example comes from the fields of Smart Cities and Human Mobility: there, new breeds of (mobile) human computation applications and games-with-a-purpose employ new interaction paradigms for the collection and retrieval of urban-related data. On the other hand, analysts and other urban stakeholders are provided with application that fused multiple datasources together in order to support sensemaking and knowledge-extraction processes for decision- making.
The extensive usage of crowdsourcing techniques brings a major change of paradigm with respect to traditional user interface for data collection and exploration, as effectiveness, speed, and interaction quality concerns play a central role in supporting very demanding incentives, including monetary ones.
At this purpose, cross fertilization between different disciplines is mandatory: existing approaches for visual interfaces design and implementation, data visualization and interaction methodologies, crowdsourced data management, and human computation task design should be merged with the purpose of identifying the best interaction and visualization paradigms for crowd-driven data collection, analysis, and exploration applications.
Topics of interest
Topics of interest are related, but not limited to:
Interfaces for human computation tasks
Studies on quality, usability and effectiveness of human computation and crowdsourcing user interfaces
Innovative user interaction paradigms for task execution
Human computation interaction design tools
Game interfaces for crowdsourcing and human computation
Tools for human computation task design and deployment
Tools for visual analytics of crowdsourced data
Augmented reality and cross-media interfaces for human computation tasks
Spam detection for crowdsourced data collection and analysis
Human factors in human computation task interface design
Work modelling for user interface adaptation
Performer /Task and Task/Performer recommendation
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Last modified: 2014-02-21 23:16:50