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Complexity 2015 - IEEE Complexity 2015: IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity

Date2015-06-12 - 2015-06-20


VenuePortland, USA - United States USA - United States



Topics/Call fo Papers

The conference seeks original research papers in all areas of computational complexity theory, studying the absolute and relative power of computational models under resource constraints. Typical models include deterministic, nondeterministic, randomized, and quantum models; uniform and non-uniform models; Boolean,
algebraic, and continuous models. Typical resource constraints involve time, space, randomness, program size, input queries, communication, and entanglement; worst-case as well as average-case. Other, more specific, topics include: probabilistic and interactive proof systems, inapproximability, proof complexity, descriptive complexity, and complexity-theoretic aspects of cryptography and learning theory. The conference also encourages results from other areas of computer science and mathematics motivated by computational complexity theory.

Last modified: 2013-09-13 22:18:28