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CVIV 2022 - 2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computer Vision, Image and Virtualization (CVIV 2022)

Date2022-04-22 - 2022-04-24


VenueSuzhou, China China

KeywordsComputer Vision; Image; Virtualization


Topics/Call fo Papers

2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computer Vision, Image and Virtualization (CVIV 2022)
Location: Suzhou, China
Dates: April 22-24, 2022
2022 4th International Conference on Advances in Computer Vision, Image and Virtualization (CVIV 2022) will be held in Suzhou, China during April 22-24, 2022, which is sponsored by Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University and IEEE.
CVIV 2022 sincerely welcome interested researchers and professors to understand the frontier research trends and share latest research results, summarize current work and inspire scientific research ideas, broaden horizons and cultivate scientific research interest.
Image video analysis
Image-based modeling
Stereo and Structure from motion
Feature extraction, grouping and segmentation
Scene analysis
Object recognition
Learning and Statistical methods
Human-computer interaction
Tracking and surveillance
Activity/behavior recognition
(For more topics:
Paper Publication:
All accepted and presented papers will be included in Proceedings, published by IEEE, archived in IEEE Xplore, and then indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus, CPCI and so on.
* CVIV 2021 Conference Papers have been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus Successfully!
* CVIV 2020 Conference Papers have been indexed by EI Compendex and Scopus Successfully!
* CVIV 2019 Conference Papers have been indexed by EI Compendex Successfully!
Prof. Vassilis C. Gerogiannis, University of Thessaly, Greece
Prof. Gerogiannis serves as Member of the Management Board of the Hellenic National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC), Member of the Regional Council for Research and Innovation in the Region of Thessaly, Member of the Management Committee of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Research Institute in the Research Center IASON of the University of Thessaly
Prof. Yong Yue, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Professor and Head of Department, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University, BEng, PhD, FIET, FIMechE, FHEA, has a comprehensive experience of learning and teaching, research and enterprise as well as management in both industry and academia.
Prof. Shigeo Akashi, Distinguished Instructors of Cisco Networking Academy, Tokyo University of Science, Japan
Shigeo Akashi was certified as a Ph.D. holder by Tokyo Institute of Technology in 1987 and he is now a professor at Tokyo University of Science. He was the chair professor at the Department of Information Sciences at this university from 2015 through 2016.
Prof. Nobuo Funabiki, Okayama University, Japan
He is a member of IEEE, IEICE, and IPSJ. He has been the associate editor-in-chief in Journal of Communications since 2016. He was the chairman at IEEE Hiroshima section in 2015 and 2016.
Dr. Paul Craig, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, China
Dr. Paul Craig has been a researcher working in the area of Information visualization and bioinformatics for over 15 years.
Paper Submission (Choose one way to submit your paper):
3. Submission System:
4. Email Submission:
You are also welcome to join us as :
As Presenter: If you want to share you latest research results by giving presentation without publish papers, please submit your abstract (300-400 words)
As Listener: You are also warmly welcomed to take part in CVIV 2022 as a listener even though you have no paper to submit.
As Reviewer: To ensure the fairness and guarantee the quality of CVIV 2022, we cordially invite experts and scholars join us as a reviewer.
Contact us:
Conference Secretary: Ms. Caroline Li
Tel: +852 56144331

Last modified: 2022-02-27 18:02:41