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CogART 2011 - CogART 2011 - 4th International Workshop on Cognitive Radio and Advanced Spectrum Management in conjunction with ISABEL 2011



VenueBarcellona, Spain Spain



Topics/Call fo Papers

:: CogART 2011
Cognitive and Self-Organizing Networks for
Disasters Aftermath Assistance
October 26-29, 2011, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
:: Scope
Conventional ? xed spectrum allocation cannot successfully cope with the
scarcity of radio frequency spectrum. Cognitive radio is a novel technology, which improves the spectrum utilization by seeking and opportunistically utilizing radio resources in time, frequency and space domains
on a real time basis. The cognitive radio technology poses many new
technical challenges, and overcoming these issues becomes even more
challenging due to non-uniform spectrum and other radio resource allocation policies, economic considerations, the inherent transmission
impairments of wireless links and user mobility. Cognitive radio technology advances are based on interdisciplinary research, including among
others: signal processing, information theory, communications engineering, arti? cial intelligence, game theory, economics and legal issues. This
conference aims at publishing high quality research papers related to
cognitive radio and its applications.
An important and emerging application of cognitive networks and selforganizing networks, in general, is to help in the aftermath assistance
in case of natural or man-made disaster strikes. To give relief in the affected areas, the interested parties, i.e., relief and security groups, need
communications support; therefore, a communication network needs to
be established as quickly and as easily as possible in order to ensure
that rescue and relief efforts are not further hindered. From a communication perspective, a disaster scenario can be characterized as having
hazardous spatial environments (with the prevention of infrastructure
deployment as a consequence) and possibly radio environments as well
(with the impairment of the spectrum bands assigned to disaster relief services as a consequence). Cognitive and self-organizing networks
come as a solution to implement disaster relief networks, the latter being
infrastructure-less or not.
:: Topics of Interest (but NOT limited to)
Track 1: Spectrum Management
Dynamic Spectrum Sharing Techniques and Policies
Flexible Spectrum Usage and Advanced Cognitive Radio
Interoperability, Interference and Coexistence
Resource Management (RRM)
Spectrum Measurement and Sensing
Spectrum Modeling
Spectrum Sharing
Track 2: Cognitive Radio and Networks Design and Realization
Business and Regulatory Aspects of Spectrum Usage Reform
Cognitive and Heterogeneous Wireless Networking
Cross-Layer Cognitive Algorithms
Fundamental Limits of Cognitive Radio
Implementation, Standardization and Certi? cation of Cognitive Radio
PHY and MAC Layer Design for Cognitive Radio
Security Issues
Self-Organizing and Self-Optimizing Spectrum Management
Software De? ned Radio
Track 3: Applications of/to Cognitive Radio
Applications of Cognitive Radio
Applied Sciences to Cognitive Radio and Networks
Cognitive and Self-Organizing Networks for Disasters’ Aftermath Assistance
Learning Techniques for Cognitive Radio
Localization for Cognitive Radio
:: Submission Guidelines
Submitted papers must represent original work that is not currently
under review in any other conference or journal, and has not been
previously published. Prospective authors are encouraged to submit
a 5-pages full paper or a 2-pages extended abstract including
results following the instructions in the IEEE conference template.
All accepted papers will be granted either an oral presentation or a poster presentation. Please ? nd detailed information for submission at:
:: Dissemination
All accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. Selected authors
will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers for special
issues or fast tracks in well-reputed journals.
:: Important Dates
Tutorial proposals: March 15, 2011
Demo/Prototype proposals: March 15, 2011
Special Sessions/Workshops proposals: March 15, 2011
Regular papers submission: June 15, 2011
Review completion deadline: September 05, 2011
Invited papers submission: September 15, 2011
Noti? cation of acceptance: September 15, 2011
Camera-ready submission: September 30, 2011
Video submission: September 30, 2011
Early registration: September 30, 2011
:: Organizing Committee
Dr. Simone Frattasi (General Chair)
Dept. of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Dr. Nicola Marchetti (TPC Chair)
Dept. of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark
Emanuele Cappelli (Communication and Marketing)
Cappelli Identity Design, Via Sestio Calvino 149, 00174, Rome
Arianna Cappelli (Communication and Marketing)
Cappelli Identity Design, Via Sestio Calvino 149, 00174, Rome
Sara Prontera (Secretariat)
Cappelli Identity Design, Via Sestio Calvino 149, 00174, Rome
Marco Monti (IT)
Engineering Supervisor of Smiths Medical Italia s.r.l., Italy.
Luigi Frattasi (Meeting Planner)
:: Local Advisory Committee
Dr. Mischa Dohler
Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain
Prof. Angel Lozano
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Spain
Prof. Gregori Vazquez
Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain

Last modified: 2011-03-07 23:38:12